"The notion that God is a God of justice, as well as grace and love, allows oppressed people to have hope. When wrong is acknowledged and hope springs forth, it is possible to receive justice even when the system may let you down."

Read more from Dr. Alice Brown-Collins, Associate Regional Director of Graduate and Faculty Ministries (GFM), Northeast and the Area Director for Black Scholars and Professionals (BSAP), originally published on the Emerging Scholars blog.

Emerging Scholars Network, Women in the Academy, and InterVarsity Graduate and Faculty Ministries wish you a wonderful new year. As you flip your calendars, we pray that you are renewed and ready to finish the academic year well. Whether you are or not, these articles offer quick, practical advice that might encourage you in your academic and personal pursuits.

What good is it if we gain academic prestige, yet forfeit our souls? Robert Kaita, Principal Research Physicist of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, offers his perspective and a Scriptural basis for aiming to serve Christ and achieve academic success simultaneously.

A prayer for the new year; and a prayer by Samuel Johnson before beginning a new study.

Tags: Prayer | Leaders

Ever feel like you are all alone, venturing into unchartered territories? As Christian graduate students, faculty, university staff/administrators, and campus ministers, university life is challenging. Lauri Swann offers scripture, prayer, and testimony of God's provision for us in this three-part series from Scholar's Compass, a devotional series from the Emerging Scholars Network:

Unchartered Territories: Hearing God's Voice Unchartered Territories: Obedience Unchartered Territories: Faith

​ May God use Lauri's words to encourage and bolster your faith to hear his voice and obey.

Bird-watching is more than a hobby for me. It is a spiritual discipline, a facet of a life of prayer, an extension of my seeking, seeing, and hearing from the Spirit of Jesus. Not only do the disciplines of bird-watching and contemplative prayer appear strikingly similar, but I also see parallels in the tools as well.

The practice of spiritual disciplines enriches our understanding of God, deepens our obedience, and increases our longing for God. Many faculty members deeply desire to follow Christ in the academic world. May this guide beckon you to establish a regular rhythm of seeking and finding God.

This piece was initially featured in the December 2012 edition of the Lamp Post, the email newsletter of InterVarsity Faculty Ministry. Thomas Trevethan examines our inclination toward and intention in using Scripture. Are we using it to advance our own agendas or are we applying God's living word to our own lives to seek and do the will of God?

This article was the featured piece in the February 2013 faculty email newsletter, the Lamp Post. We are delighted to offer these video clips to our readers because we believe Jeff Hardin’s presentation offers Christian faculty who teach and pursue research in the sciences and technology an important perspective on their work.

Selected resources on science and religion from InterVarsity Faculty Ministry and ESN, featuring Elaine Ecklund, Francis Collins, Jennifer Wiseman, Robert Kaita, Jeff Hardin, Cal DeWitt, and many others.
