First, a Puritan prayer for a new year. Second, a prayer by Samuel Johnson recommended before any new study. We invite you to pray for the Lord's blessing on your work.
by Stephanie Magdalena White
"I’ve started taking about two minutes to answer these questions every time I sit down to work for even an hour, and I’ve been amazed at how useful they are."
Seven Habits of the Highly Effective Christian Graduate Student
by Bob Trube
“How does one live well as a Christian graduate student?" Bob Trube, GFM campus staff, has stewed over that question with members of the InterVarsity grad fellowship at Ohio State. Here are their recommendations of seven habits that should be incorporated into the life of every Christian grad student.
Renewing the University
by C. John Sommerville
"So InterVarsity won’t be losing interest in individuals, but it’s also asking how to affect the university. That is almost too big an idea to get our heads around. It’s kind of staggering. We need to break it down, and see if we can get a handle on such a big project. What exactly is the vision that IV staff would want to communicate to faculty, graduate students, and even some brighter undergrads? For they will depend on you for such a vision."
For further exploration on this topic, see Dr. Sommerville's article on the Faculty Ministry website, "How Can We Change the University?"
The Emerging Scholars Network is also host to the Emerging Scholars Blog and most recently, Scholar's Compass. The Well is the online presence of Women in the Academy & Professions.
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