We're so glad you're joining InterVarsity’s Faculty Ministry and Study Abroad on one of the oldest pilgrimage routes in Europe, the Camino de Santiago, starting from your front door, July 1-August

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Anna Lee-Winans is the National Director of Discipleship & Growth with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. While pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism at New York University, Anna was drawn to the ministry at InterVarsity where she indulged in in-depth Bible studies and experienced the presence of God in her community. Anna received training in leadership, consequently becoming a chapter leader, and considered joining InterVarsity staff. 

Instead, she returned to The University of New York where she received a Master’s Degree in Social Work and worked for three years in Jacobi Medical Centre’s Pediatric AIDS clinic in the South Bronx, sensing that God was calling her to be a compassionate witness in an area with the highest concentration of AIDS cases in the U.S. “God was very consistent in his leading and He has always spoken in a way I can understand,” she said. At Jacobi, Anna worked on advocacy for legal, housing and financial services for individuals and families, conducted interviews and provided therapy and medical compliance sessions to affected individuals and families. She was awarded grant funding for tutoring services for children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS and co-authored thematic publications. Eventually she discovered that her work at the AIDS clinic was only temporary.

Anna’s family history is filled with Christian ministry, generation to generation. Her great-grandfather was a convert of Hudson Taylor’s China Inland Ministry. She enjoys reading the newspaper, eating good food, and laughing with her husband and two daughters.
