The MBA ministry was blessed by record attendance to the Business as Mission track at Urbana 15. We thank all those who attended and invite those who could not to join us as well as we pursue God's calling into business and what that might mean for us individually and corporately. Here are some recommended resources and next steps.
1- Recommended Reading
Anointed for Business: How Christians Can Use Their Influence in the Marketplace to Change the World. Ed Silvoso, 2002.
Building the Kingdom Through Business: A Mission Strategy for the 21st Century. Bridget Adams & Manoj Raithatha, 2015.
Business as Calling: Work and the Examined Life. Michael Novak, 1996.
Business as Mission: A Comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice. Neal Johnson & Steven Rundle, 2010.
Business for the Glory of God: The Bible’s Teaching on the Moral Goodness of Business. Wayne Grudem, 2003.
Courage and Calling: Embracing Your God-Given Potential. Gordon Smith, 2011.
Devotional Ventures: 60 Inspiring Devotions for the Business Professional. Corey Cleek, 2007.
Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work. Timothy Keller & Katherine Leary Alsdorf, 2014.
The Fabric of this World: Inquiries into Calling, Career Choice, and the Design of Human Work. Lee Hardy, 1990.
God in the Marketplace: 45 Questions Fortune 500 Executives Ask about Faith, Life, and Business. Henry T. Blackaby, Richard Blackaby, 2008.
God Is at Work: Transforming People and Nations Through Business. Kenneth A. Eldred, 2006.
God With You at Work (Heaven in Business). Andy Mason, 2014.
Great Commission Companies: The Emerging Role of Business in Missions. Steve Rundle & Tom A. Steffen, 2011.
The Heavenly Good of Earthly Work. Darrell Cosden, 2006.
Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good. Amy L. Sherman, 2011.
Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation. Parker Palmer, 1999.
Loving Monday: Succeeding in Business Without Selling Your Soul. John D. Beckett, 2006.
Why Business Matters to God: (And What Still Needs to Be Fixed). Jeff Van Duzer, 2010.
2- Websites![](
3- Summer Opportunities
InterVarsity Marketplace Programs
Are you planning to work or pursue an internship this summer? InterVarsity provides learning communities that focus on the integration of Faith and Work in several cities across the country: San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley, New York City, Boston, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Chicago, and Des Moines. We will be adding more cities each year.
Fellowship of Companies for Christ International (FCCI) Summer Fellows
FCCI desires to reach the emerging generations through a summer intern experience that will involve the CEO and or executive leadership team of an FCCI membership company. We pray that through this experience college students will become more aware and spiritually mature about marketplace ministry, operations of business and their calling.
NexusB4T: Business For Transformation
Nexus provides opportunities for students to link up with Kingdom businesses operating in unreached areas to introduce them to B4T while learning valuable business skills on the job. Relationship is the priority, not process, as we tailor our services to meet your needs as an individual. We will help students looking for internships find businesses that are actively looking for interns. Internships last anywhere from 2-12 weeks and are available throughout the calendar year. For those looking to take the next step Nexus can help place you as an apprentice alongside a B4T business owner. Nexus will connect you with a business and ensure you are mentored during the transition. Apprenticeships are 18-36 months in length.
4- Year-Long Fellowships
Year-round learning opportunities for people already in the workplace.
5- Business As Mission or Ministry Experiences
6- Mission Agencies with a Business Approach
- Crossworld
- Pioneers
- Partners Worldwide
- Frontiers
- Southern Baptist International Mission Board
- Interserve
- OM
- Avant
- World Venture
- International Teams
- Christar
Please explore the MBA Ministry website and contact us if you like. We would love for you to become involved in MBA Ministry, students, faculty, businesspeople, and partners in ministry alike.