Over 16,000 students and faculty attended InterVarsity's triennial missions conference December 27-31, 2015. We are so excited to send these world-changers back to campus, back to their academic disciplines, and back to their communities on mission for God. Thank you for your prayers and financial support of InterVaristy and our students and faculty. It means the world to all of us, literally.
Tell Us Your Story
Urbana seems like a lifetime ago already. That's crazy, isn't it? What thoughts, images, and words are milling about in your mind since Urbana 15? We would love to hear your feedback, how you were changed, and how you plan to share the experience with others. Visit our Facebook page for GFM at Urbana connect with participants from Urbana 15 and tell us your story.
Urbana and ESN
The Emerging Scholars Network hosted at the GFM booth in the exhibit hall and also enjoyed a great time of fellowship in the Graduate and Faculty Ministries and ESN lounge. Be sure to check out the resources already online on the ESN blog.
Although Urbana was a one-week event, the Emerging Scholars Network (ESN) provides encouragement, vision, and connections, supporting Christian students and faculty to flourish in academia. We would love for you to join the conversation by following our blog, joining the ESN facebook group, or contacting us.
Urbana Live!
Okay, well maybe not live, but you can re-live Urbana by watching the Common Sessions on Vimeo or the Livestream archive. You can also follow the Urbana blog. For "liveblogging" from some of the seminars most relevant to grad students and faculty, check out the seminars page.
What's Next?
Oftentimes with conference experiences, it's hard to relate it to others who did not attend in a way that is as meaningful as what you yourself heard, felt, and lived. We are so excited to share the insights, knowledge, and challenges God has brought to our doorsteps through Urbana, yet, how do we get others motivated to be "on mission" with us in our daily lives? We will continue to update this page to offer you the resources to learn from Urbana, even if you did not get to attend, and the opportunity to give others a glimpse into what you saw, heard, and learned. May the materials we have remind us that every new day is an opportunity and every place we go today, just like at Urbana, will be a gathering of individuals that may never be replicated.
We are praying for the 5,000+ students and faculty sharing the book of Matthew on campus and the 9,000+ attendees committed to pray for the global church.The ripple effect Urbana will have in your community begins with you.
Photo Source: Gian Luigi Perrella