Graduate and Faculty Ministries enjoyed meeting so many students and faculty at Urbana15. We identified the tracks below as those of greatest interest to graduate students and faculty. What story will you tell? Men and women on mission right now at universities across the country discussed sharing the gospel while living out God's calling on their lives, on campus, in the academy, and beyond. Find your life: Urbana15.
1. Graduate School and God’s Global Mission, Dr. Josh Swamidass, Professor, Washington University, St. Louis.
Description: What does God's global mission have to do with graduate school? Why would a mission-minded Christian choose to spend years in schooling? Why not immediately enter the mission field? Whether you are a current or aspiring graduate student, or just exploring your options, come hear a professor share his story and learn how God brings meaning to an academic career.
Click here for "liveblogging" on the ESN blog!
2. Developing Your Mind for God’s Global Mission, Greg Jao, InterVarsity Vice President, Director of Campus Engagement, and author of Your Mind's Mission
Description: Global Poverty. Pandemics. Inter-faith engagement. International partnerships. In addition to prayerful spirits, willing hearts, and available bodies, God’s global mission requires missional minds shaped by Scripture, engaged with the culture, and committed to serving Christ alone.
Click here for "liveblogging" from this session!
3. Loving Your Atheist Neighbor with Rick Mattson, author of Faith is Like Skydiving: And Other Images for Dialogue with Seekers and Skeptics
Description: “Love your atheist neighbor” is a practical seminar about how to have conversations with atheists. We examine common atheist arguments and tactics, and suggest a holistic Christian response that includes intellect, care-giving and friendship.
Click here for "liveblogging" from this seminar!
4. The Secular Academy as a Mission Field, Faculty Panel with Dr. Dave Vosburg, Professor, Harvey Mudd College
Description: Explore with a team of faculty and Graduate & Faculty Ministry staff the critical importance for emerging Christian leaders to be part of the dynamic institutions which not only shape global conversations, but also serve as the training ground for the world's next generation of leaders.
Click here for audio of this session! Click here for "liveblogging" on the ESN blog!
5. Missional Teaching in Universities Outside North America, Dr. Keith and Rhonda Campbell.
Description: Explore serving as faculty overseas, and how to prepare. The Campbell’s have recently returned from teaching in a university overseas. This seminar will explore both the opportunities and challenges to teaching overseas and identify the steps you can take to explore whether this might be what God is inviting you to.
Click here for "liveblogging" from this seminar!
6. How to Work Well Cross Culturally, Jane Hyun, author of Flex: The New Playbook for Managing Across Differences.
Description: The seminar explores how to work well in multinational/international settings where cultural differences are high. It will provide tools and approaches for navigating cultural differences with classmates or preparing to work overseas.
7. Women in Academia: Finding Life in the University, Faculty Panel
Description: This seminar features a diverse faculty panel interacting around issues facing women as they seek to be faithful to God’s call to be a redeeming influence in the university. Open Q & A will follow presentation. This will be helpful to women who are planning on or considering a career in academia.
Other seminars and tracks may be found here. Check out all of the liveblogging from Urbana 15 on the ESN blog.
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