This piece was initially featured in the December 2012 edition of the Lamp Post, the email newsletter of InterVarsity Faculty Ministry. Thomas Trevethan examines our inclination toward and intention in using Scripture. Are we using it to advance our own agendas or are we applying God's living word to our own lives to seek and do the will of God?

This article was the featured piece in the February 2013 faculty email newsletter, the Lamp Post. We are delighted to offer these video clips to our readers because we believe Jeff Hardin’s presentation offers Christian faculty who teach and pursue research in the sciences and technology an important perspective on their work.

Selected resources on science and religion from InterVarsity Faculty Ministry and ESN, featuring Elaine Ecklund, Francis Collins, Jennifer Wiseman, Robert Kaita, Jeff Hardin, Cal DeWitt, and many others.

A personal liturgy based on Psalm 90, written by Bobby Gross, national director for Graduate and Faculty Ministries. Use this liturgy to help you meditate on Psalm 90 and begin your day with prayer.

Bill Stuntz, Harvard Law professor, delivered this essay in March 2009 on the perspective he gained from his personal suffering.
