Being transformed and restored with Jesus,
This is the prayer of my heart,
I know there are no quick changes,
But daily grace his Spirit will impart.
Lord help me know what’s good and true,
Help me walk in your ways and your will,
In this convoluted and broken world,
Help me stop, listen & learn to be still.
Help me wait for your Spirit to guide,
And not always rush out ahead,
But to live at your good and perfect pace,
With quiet confidence in you, instead.
Help me find joy in your firm control,
And follow with open heart and open hands,
Not grasping and forcing my own will,
But trusting your mercy, love and commands.
Lord change the shape of my heart within,
With ever growing attention to you,
Help me to hear your still small voice,
In the midst of all that I do.
Help me to live at a pace that reflects,
Your power, goodness and steadfast love,
Knowing it’s not about my striving,
But receiving your gifts from above.
Help me to know it’s not about me,
And earning your love by my labor,
Break the lies that still remain,
And help me live in your grace and favor.
Thank you for your never ending love,
For specializing in new mercies each day,
A Father in Heaven who loves to restore,
And redeem all who walk in your way.
Help me to rest and trust in you,
Regardless of what I can see,
To trust in your good purpose and plans,
As you restore and transform me.
Help me to live in hope and joy,
Receiving gifts you’re eager to give,
Trusting the pace and plans to you,
Learning to abundantly abide and live.