Faculty, campus staff, and administrators lead and carry forth the purpose and mission of their colleges and universities as long-term residents. Our desire is to partner well as a campus ministry to provide a presence and impact that blesses both the people and institution. Chapter Advisors can play a key role in supporting, facilitating, and advocating in this endeavor, and we are grateful for your partnership and service in this way!


There is not just one way for Chapter Advisors to serve. Our hope is that the partnership between you and the InterVarsity ministry on campus is one that exercises the unique gifts, experiences, and strengths you have.

Best Practices & Ideas Chapter Advising FAQs

Get Connected

Please help us partner with and serve you better by filling out this contact card. We would like to thank you for your work and hear from you about your experience, so that we can continue to assist in improving it as a Chapter Advisor. After you submit the form, you’ll receive an email from Faculty Ministries that will include a discount code to InterVarsity Press for the academic year as a gift for your service.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us.
We’d love to hear from you!


We are a part of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA and share in InterVarsity's Purpose Statement, Core Values, and Doctrinal Basis.